Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Blogs Graveyard

I remember as a kid watching the old Johnny Weismuller "Tarzan" movies. It seems in half the movies evil types were always looking for the Elephants graveyard where old elephants went to die and a legendary treasure of Ivory was to be had. Any way, we all wondered where they went to die and now I think we can answer the mystery for at least old blogs.

For reasons I already gave, I nuked my old blog. Fortunately, unlike a dead elephant, it will not make a stink as it decomposes. Anyway, I was surprised to find my old blog address had joined the "blogs graveyard" at this address. Either that, or this person has managed to randomly select over 60 used addresses in the last week.

I am not sure what this persons angle is, but why not leave the dead Blogs in peace?


Ed said...

Maybe Fran is speculating that you might become rich and famous someday and want to buy your old blog url back at a nice profit. I have a url that I have been trying to buy for years but somebody has it reserved and keeps renewing the subscription.

jj mollo said...

Both links go the same place, Mal.

jj mollo said...

It's exactly like old movies. When you put your words on the internet, they never die, no matter how much you would like to kill them. Storage is just too cheap.

The number of different parasitic niches that can be cultivated on the web is astonishing and instructive.

Fantastagirl said...

It think perhaps it's because you had a lot of traffic and they are trying to get people to read their blog?

Or like ed abbey said - they may want to sell you back your url.

We have a family site and pay big big bucks to keept hat url for the next 10 years.

United We Lay said...

People are weird.

James Brush said...

Google says they want to cache every page that's ever been put online. I assume that includes dead urls too.

Bike Drool said...
