Friday, July 14, 2006

Bastille Day?

Who the heck celebrates Bastille Day? (besides the French) and who cares? (besides the French)

Well, apparently all the Wisconsin German types. I ended up in downtown Milwaukee last nite and stumbled into a very large, organized street party for Bastille Day. Considering the current "cool" view most Americans have of France I was surprised.

After a careful review of the street activities, (Fun run, calypso bands, beer tents etc) it made a lot more sense. It is like Cinco de Mayo, most Americans have vague notion, if any of what it is but do find it a good reason to party.

Soooooooo, PARTY ON!!


Ed said...

I celebrated Cinco de Mayo for years when I was younger. As you implied, it was an excuse to drink.

It's Bastille Day already? I guess I'll celebrate with some French fries.

Speaking of cool attitudes towards the French... did you see the World Cup Final? It was the first time the French have ever been recorded on tape as fighting. **ba da boom**

Leesa said...

True story: When I was in France, I located "The Bastille" on a map and wanted to see it. I took several modes of transportation and then started looking for the building (typical tourist). Well, I forgot that when it was overthrown, it was destroyed. There is a field where the Bastille used to be. Marquis de Sade was imprissioned there!

Fred said...

Another excuse for a party. And, on a Friday, too. Woo hoo!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Yeah, here it's cinco de mayo (we have a huge mexican pop here). Great excuse to eat spicy food and drink Coronas. :D

anchovy said...

Please now, they're called "Freedom Fries!"

Fantastagirl said...

So is it a bad thing that I never heard of this day until you mentioned it?

I guess I celebrated without knowing it - as I shared some "french fries" with a co-worker at lunch...

James Brush said...

I haven't seen any Bastille Day festivities down here, but we all participate in Cinco and Dies y Seis de Setiembre. Happy Bastille day to ya!