Monday, January 01, 2007


We all flew out to the Left Coast for the Christmas Break on the 25th. We had a great time. The girls had a chance to catch up with Dad ("Papa" to them). See a number of the cousins and all in all, enjoy a rare visit with my side of the clan. Lots of memorable things about the trip like winds storms in Santa Barbara and hikes in the hills.

We also brought back 25 lbs of Satsumas. A native of Japan, I have never seen them sold anywhere in the US except in Southern California. They are arguably the tastiest of the citrus family. Similar in size, shape and appearance to a Clementine, they are juicier and less tart than their Spanish cousin. If you see some, try it. *S*


Fred said...

Happy 2007, Mal!

Jessica said...

Will do. Thanks and happy new year.

Leesa said...

I have seen satsumas at times. In Georgia, of all places.

Saur♥Kraut said...

We have satsumas here. Yummy!

A (belated) Happy New Year to you, girl!

Åsa said...

The exotic land of Sweden sells Satsumas. But we sure don’t grow them!

me said...

I have a satsuma tree in Texas, although I have not yet harvested the first fruit. I agree that these are the tastiest of all citrus fruit, arguable even better than Spanish/Moroccan clementines.