Thursday, November 02, 2006

Do It!

I was originally going to rant about my vote on Tuesday and how mad I still am about the Minnesota Twins Stadium deal.

I changed my mind.

This is the most emotional I have been about an election ever. It is not over specific issues but a disturbing trend that has been appearing among our elected officials that is slowly whittling away our "rights" and our "voice". Everything from the Patriot Act to the Twins stadium bill are harbingers of an increasingly arrogant government.

Most Americans have an election coming up on Tuesday.

What do politicians covet and fear? YOUR VOTE. However you feel about candidates or issues, GET OUT AND VOTE!! It is the one act we can commit that makes them understand their limits.

I will rant about the Twins Stadium on Monday.


Leesa said...

I vote but you know, I wonder if it matters too much. I wrote about my voting strategies recently, and encourage informed voters to get out and vote. Uninformed voters just dilute the pool for those more informed. Dem, Rep, Libertarian, matters not to me.

mal said...

Leesa- I read your blog and I liked your strategies. Does your vote matter? On a national level, I think Florida answered that one. On a local level? It always matters

Saur♥Kraut said...

Oh so very true, and so terrifying. Amazingly, most Americans don't see the Patriot Act as being a threat! They see it as being their salvation! George Orwell couldn't have written a better scenario...

anchovy said...

Voting makes you feel good, kinda like serving on a jury. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

First time visiting your blogg I found it via blogg hoping from blogg hoping for my 13 thursday.

I vote to but I think it comes down to who got the deepest pocket to put money in.

Ed said...

Being an ex-(five year)Minnesotan who is out of touch, suddenly I am sickened about what you are going to write about the stadium. Say it ain't so!

Well said Saur! You know I was joking with someone about making a nuclear bomb via email the other day and it crossed my mind that my email account may very well be flagged from now on thanks to Bush and the Patriot Act. How scary is that? I can't even speak jokingly for fear of ending up in a secret Syrian prison and being waterboarded by Dick Cheney.

Dave said...


I feel confident that I will be re-elected unless my old secretary starts shooting off her mouth.

Balloon Pirate said...

Wow. We agree on something political.


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

You go, Mal.

I too am ready for change, and will be expressing myself as well this coming Tuesday.

honkeie said...

There is change in the wind, it might still smell a little funny but it has to better than this BS we have been smelling so far.